Why I Like My Day Job

Of course I miss staying home with my kids; I homeschooled for ten years. But when our money problems increased after Hurricane Sandy flooded our home, I had no choice but to enter the blah world of full time work. My evening receptionist job wasn’t enough…so I looked up Continuing Ed courses in Medical Billing to show some effort and please my husband even though change scares me. I break out in hives and heart palpitations at the thought of going on an interview.


And I prayed…I prayed that somehow, miraculously, when I went to work that evening, the administrator (who only sees my face when he leaves and forgets my name) would offer me more hours. I prayed the impossible. This job was comfortable, working close enough to home that I biked there. I liked having a stress-free job. I worked as a freelance artist before kids happened and hated the pressure, the deadlines, and the sardine packed subway rides.


But God intervened. Thirty minutes after I got to work, the administrator called and asked if I would be interested in a position open in Medical Records. It would be more hours and twice the pay of this job. I hung up, amazed, and thanked the Lord for such a quick answer to prayer.


God knows me so well…he gave me another stress-free job that keeps me moving. I’m active and never liked gluing my rear to one spot for hours. I get to organize and accomplish goals each day. I get to socialize and work quietly in my own office too. Best of all, every day I take a lunch break walk to Starbucks and write for an hour while drinking a Skinny Vanilla Latte. It’s a nice time to think, read, and pray. My day job is not my life, but I like it. Maybe someday I'll have novels published and get to stay home again, write all day in my loungewear and sign autographs...maybe not. So I'm thankful for where I am now. 


God doesn’t always answer my prayers this way; He’s not a Genie in a lamp. But when we follow His will and plan for our lives, we can trust Him, and sometimes He answers before we ask.


Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory…Ephesians 3:20 NIV.



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