
Showing posts from December, 2016

Unwrapping Love

UNWRAPPING LOVE By Frances Judge If love were wrapped in golden paper, tied with silken strings, It couldn’t reach around the world Or open up its wings. Love isn’t placed on pedestals, positioned for display; It needs the flexibility Of a potter’s clay. Love doesn’t need embellishment to prove its fortitude; Its strength is in its meekness And forgiving attitude. Love risks its life and swims the depths to save a drowning friend, But Christ risked all for enemies, And who can comprehend? So love was wrapped in swaddling clothes and destined once to die; Christ would pay the sacrifice, God’s love, exemplified. He didn’t wear His royal robes though he was born a king; He wore the love His Father gave Of which the angels sing. Love doesn’t wait for storms to stop to cross the swirling seas; Jesus walked across the water, Turned tempest into breeze. Love washes feet, love heals the blind, lov...