Country Blessings
Last weekend was all about slowing down in the country, relaxing with family, and saying thank you. I don’t often go upstate to see my sister, brother-in-law and nephew, so I savor these special moments. When I stepped out their door, all I saw was farmland and rolling hills. Nothing seemed to move in Lansing, NY. Peace and quiet. Rays of sunlight cast over God’s creation. The world relaxed. But I did have one plan. I had the address of the church that a group of Samaritan’s Purse volunteers attend—the next town over from Lansing. Wouldn’t it be great to visit their church? They came all the way to our house to help rebuild a few months ago. I wouldn’t get this opportunity again for a long time. Of course Saturday night I had the worst stomach pains I can remember, couldn’t sleep, and woke up late on Sunday. My plan seemed hopeless. I didn’t even consider going, thinking I might throw up, but Dad said, “Why don’t we go to that church…even if we’re late you can tha...