This Saturday 2/18/2017

Coffee date with my husband. When I remember our love matters
more than burnt toast.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18. 

I started my day reading this scripture, one of my favorites because I need it drilled into my brain. My troubles are trivial compared to eternity, so why do I stress about the stupid stuff? Could be because I’m human. I want to be focused on the end of the race and what matters along the way.

So how did I do in listening to that scripture today? Hmmm.

  • Displayed morning bad mood when my toast burnt because husband changed the setting on toaster—
       it’s too early. Scripture hasn’t settled in my heart yet.
  • After the necessary eating breakfast and showering, I pulled a giant hairball out of the tub. Not very important, but satisfying to see the water go down. This got me motivated to clean the tub—
      good  for our house…eternity, not so much.

  • Ran with the dog and my daughter—
      good for our health.

  • Got mad at myself for not writing or reading enough and wasting my time—
      trivial problem, easily solved by turning off phone.

  • Got impatient when the kids took too long to get outside to play soccer—
      trivial, but come on…the sun goes down before they can find a pair of socks.
Trivial, but rather annoying.

  • Played soccer with kids on a basketball court to avoid stepping on geese poop—
     enjoying the blessings of family and fresh air even though a fight ensued
about boundary lines  and which team really won.

  • Went out for coffee with my husband—
     thankful for him, our quiet time together, and caffeine.

  • Watched a movie—Woman in Gold—a great movie that reflects back to the atrocities of the
      good for inspiring my mind and heart. 

And that’s my Saturday, skipping through the day with my mind on mostly trivial trials as I try to keep my eyes focused on God’s blessings. I didn't save the world or move any mountains, but took baby steps in my walk with the Lord. I need to memorize that verse and trust God to help me. If I don’t, I’ll walk around with this moping face of my childhood.

My sister glows like an angel as I sulk in the background, jealous of the attention she's getting.
I never want to look like this again.

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