Is He the One?

 Married July 7, 1990 outdoors at Smithtown Landing Country Club

Is he the one for me, Lord?
The question stirred at night;
I knew He had the answer,
Even birds find Mr. Right,
As they flap their finest feathers
And fly off in one accord.

We met today or you could say
We smiled and said hello,
But his smile said a thousand words
As cardinals kiss the snow
And dart through flakes with perfect grace
Like a winter white ballet.

Are you sure that he’s the one for me?
I’ve seen his other side,
And much to my dismay, he’s seen
Me morph to Mrs. Hyde.
Perhaps the seagulls battle clouds
To reach the swirling sea.

I’m practically nocturnal,
While he’s a morning hen,
Enjoys a languid sunrise stroll
And baseball’s on again.
By noon I’m zooming on my bike,
Then writing in my journal.

I’m sure that he’s the one to stay;
I felt so with his touch . . .
Hand in hand as starlight glowed . . .
Do robins know this much?
Their whistles sing of morning joy,
A love renewed each day.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years


He’s the one, Lord, you were right;
You’ve blessed us many years;
You’ve helped us raise our flock of five,
Safe sparrows free from fears . . .
When we laugh and pray together,
Once again our hearts unite.


“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

Married 24 years and blessed with our flock of five


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