Christmas 2019


by Frances Judge

So simple to love

The swaddled infant in my arms with his baby breath,

a whisper of wind, warming my skin; the echo of angels’ praise

Beating my heart in the stillness of the night.

So simple to love

The toddler teetering on wobbly toes, falling into my embrace,

I could hold forever. A divine gift, the joy of my soul, to be shared.

Golden leaves release their grip; a determined breeze lays the pile

on prickly grass at His feet, prepared for sacrificial love.

So simple to love the one we named Jesus.

I try to shield my young son from the rain

but cannot. It is persistent, planned. And he grows;

Angels breathed the Father’s blessing long ago;

Hidden behind hazel eyes, my son’s mind holds

the universe; in time to be revealed, a promise

from the first birth, my womb was blessed to carry.

So simple to love the one who is love

Bare branches point bony fingers, catching snowflakes, 
the branches bent with burden;

Bitter skies bring time for sleeping, clenching dreams;

Prayers lie dormant until the promise is pierced with tears of grief

Yet risen in glory!

As lilies open to the warm sun, my palms hold a white dove,

Resting until released to the sky; leaving His Spirit of love.

So simple to love the one who cares for me as His child,

So simple to love the one who is love.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. 
Isaiah 9:6-7


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