A Change of Plans Times Five

Don’t look at the mountain!

Casual dining for Easter 2014

This Easter we must have changed our plans five times. Typical me…I’m decision making challenged. Our dilemma: we wanted to have my parents over and go to our church for Easter, but how could we come back to a house that’s still under construction? Our dining room table has been buried under junk for the last few weeks while the bedrooms are getting finished by Samaritan’s Purse volunteers; our living  room is filled with a mountain of bedroom furniture, boxes of stuff, and emptied closets.

No way! We could never have the room ready. There was no place to put anything. So I called my parents and changed the plans. As Gene and I drove to the store, we juggled ideas about getting to church and their house and baseball games the next day with one car. Then the car rattled…louder and scratchier with every block we passed. We had to walk home and plans changed again…Easter at our house in the mess.

Clearing the table was a challenge; I had to find new storage spots and make a path to the couch. As long as everyone ignored the mountain in the center of the room, we were ready. The cherry table cloth helped to brighten up a small part of the room. Then I stopped worrying about what didn’t matter. The best part about not having control of circumstances was that we were forced to focus on God. He got us all to church to celebrate.

Jesus died for us so we can be forgiven and live with Him forever. He conquered death and we are free in Him. That’s what matters. My parents got to hear the beautiful Easter service and Mom made her gravy…so it was a good day.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

The living room mountain at its worst


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