Remembering Before

Jordan’s bedroom and the living room are the                                Teenagers can sleep anywhere!
dumping grounds while other rooms get finished

Our bedroom is next!

The “after” pictures don’t mean much if I don’t see the “before and during.” I want to appreciate how much was done to improve our house, to remember everything Samaritan’s Purse did for our family and share this with others. We did nothing to deserve their help; we just had to be willing to accept their generous gift.

This is such a picture of what God has done for the world. This ugly, messy, broken house from the storm that I never want to see again is like the sin in our past that God forgives and forgets after repentance. In Romans 3:23, He says: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” But He doesn't leave us like this and walk away; like the good Samaritan—God stays to help. Jesus died for our sins so we can be healed.

I’m thankful our house is being rebuilt and made new, but even more thankful for what God has done for us. “For by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God…”Ephesians 2:8. We just have to accept His free gift to us, and we will be blessed with a life with Him, a new home.

Jordan’s bedroom in gutting stage

Kitchen before    

Kitchen after

Living room in gutting stage


Unknown said…
great to see the changes

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